
Isaac Carree Interview

Encore: "No Risk No Reward" is your first album in seven years. Tell us a little about your journey during that time?

Isaac: It is my first album in seven years, I took a few steps back to regather myself, refocus and get recalibrated. Sometimes, you do something so long it becomes a routine and you get complacent. I needed a culture shock to get back motivated. I didn't necessarily like the road my career was going down, the industry was changing and I didn’t see myself fitting in, so I had to step away and restructure some things. I had to rebrand myself and get my mojo back, so now I’m back with new music. During that time I was still working, I toured with Puff Daddy and the Bad Boy family tour. I also toured with Tim and Faith Evans for a couple of years. I was busy and working, I just stepped away from my solo career. Now that I’m back, I’m rejuvenated , excited, motivated and inspired. I just pray that people can hear and feel that in my music. It’s a little funny, I named my album, "No Risk No Reward" in a time people are uncertain of what’s going on in the world and in their lives. People need to be able to take risks, sometimes not knowing what tomorrow brings, but knowing that God will turn it around for you. I’m excited and scared at the same time, who wants to buy an album when you are competing with CoronaVirus. People’s attention is so diverted, but I’m hoping my music can bring a source of inspiration, hope and positivity to take their minds off what they are going through.

Podcast Excerpt

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